Monday, March 24, 2008

thing 8

bloglines..... hmmm.... i set up an account over a year ago, and i wasn't crazy about it then, and i can't say i'm crazy about it now. i added my branch's events, and people and EW (since newsweek wasn't cooperating :P), and what else did i add... hmm.. oh! the webchallenge blog.

i see all the cool blogs i added when i first opened bloglines, and though i still think they're cool - i dont' have the time (or is it the attention span??) to sit and read off my computer screen.

maybe it is like with flickr - i don't have the interest to pay attention. i don't think i have a short attention span, but i guess if i were to compare myself with people who enjoy spending that much time on the computer playing around with flickr, youtube, myspace, friendster, blogs, newsreaders, RPG's, chatting, delicious, and so on and so on and so on - i guess i do.

no, its really not a short attention span - i'm just not interested in what anyone online has to say. i'm interested in paying attention to the people in my life.

i would just so much rather be out in the water or somewhere on a trail, than sitting with a computer.

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