Monday, March 31, 2008

thing 9 - finding feeds

i'm not that into using search tools like technorati or bloglines, or even google's blog search tool, though if there is one i prefer - it'd be google's. i can't find anything that i would want to read regularly, and everything is so trashy looking.

i like randomly browsing the web, finding one good blog, and seeing what blogs are linked to it - and jumping around blogs and setting up feeds that way. usually, if i like someone's blog - i will enjoy blogs they read/recommend.

Monday, March 24, 2008

thing 8

bloglines..... hmmm.... i set up an account over a year ago, and i wasn't crazy about it then, and i can't say i'm crazy about it now. i added my branch's events, and people and EW (since newsweek wasn't cooperating :P), and what else did i add... hmm.. oh! the webchallenge blog.

i see all the cool blogs i added when i first opened bloglines, and though i still think they're cool - i dont' have the time (or is it the attention span??) to sit and read off my computer screen.

maybe it is like with flickr - i don't have the interest to pay attention. i don't think i have a short attention span, but i guess if i were to compare myself with people who enjoy spending that much time on the computer playing around with flickr, youtube, myspace, friendster, blogs, newsreaders, RPG's, chatting, delicious, and so on and so on and so on - i guess i do.

no, its really not a short attention span - i'm just not interested in what anyone online has to say. i'm interested in paying attention to the people in my life.

i would just so much rather be out in the water or somewhere on a trail, than sitting with a computer.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

thing 7 the scanner & you

the scanner is fun and easy - and it is really cool to OCR, though i never knew it by that acronym.

the only bothersome thing about the scanner is that it is such a slow process - just opening the software and warming the scanner up takes forever

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

thing 6 flickroclwebthingsphoto

a photo from my branch

i didn't think flickr and blogger liked each other much :)

it's always good to see it is not just me in situations like that.

Monday, March 17, 2008

thing 5 flickr

does flickr not like blogger or does blogger not like flickr?

i opened a flickr account a while ago - and i can't say i'm fond of it.

i love photography, playing around with pictures, sharing them with my friends, taking video clips - but i just can't get into posting those things online. i guess i just don't have a reason to do it.

thing 2? seven and a half habits

the easiest habit for me is beginning with the end in mind - i know where i want to be with something, and i know that every effort i make at getting there, is getting me that much closer - if that makes sense. though, as i progress with something and reach what i thought was my goal, i realize i can take something even further and my goal ends up developing into something more complex.

the hardest habit is viewing problems as challenges. when i face a problem in life - whether it is changing the wipers blades on my car or figuring out how to use a new gadget because an old one broke - i think i'll never get to understand and know how to do something. but, it usually works out that i do, i just think that i can't.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

thing one - thing 3 & 4

thing one is to blog?

or is thing one to read an introduction and send an email?

so thing three is to blog?

the instructions for the challenge overall seem a bit wacky and hard to follow - that could be me :)

thing three was creating the account for this blog and thing four was... hmmm... registering - which is why i'm posted on the oclwebthingschallenge blog :)